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Ratio Calculator


Ratio Calculator

Donut Pie
Bar Ratio
Aspect Ratio

Ratio Multiples

[order #]
[ratio term]
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Use this GPA calculator to find your GPA using the standard 4.0 GPA scale or a weighted scale for Honors and AP courses. Input the course name, the number of course credits and your grade for the term. Select the grade scale:

  • Std = Standard scale where A = 4.0
  • Hon = Honors scale where A = 4.5
  • AP = Advanced Placement scale where A = 5.0

The calculator fills in the grade point value for the letter grade on the scale you selected. If you know your letter grade value and it's different from our scale you can edit the grade points field. For example if you got an A+ in an Honors course and you know your A+ is worth 4.8 points at your school you can update the Points field by typing in 4.8.

Click the Calculate button to calculate your GPA. For each course, we multiply the number of credits by the grade points value. Then add up these products and divide by the total number of credits. See a sample calculation in the table at the bottom of this page.

How to Calculate GPA

  1. For each course, multiply credits by grade points
  2. Add those results to get total quality points
  3. Divide total quality points by total number of credits for courses where you earned a letter grade
  4. Do not include credits for pass/no pass courses, incompletes or withdrawals (P, N/P, I, W)